Putu Chris Susanto


Covid-19 pandemic has had immensely adverse implications on Bali’s hospitality and tourism industry. This paper investigates and summarizes findings from select articles and publications on studies, reports, and outlooks regarding the implications of pandemic on the hospitality and tourism sector in Bali, from the perspectives of three domains of management studies: finance, human resources, and marketing. The author found that in terms of financial management, many hospitality and tourism had to engage in various crisis management and survival strategies. In terms of human resource management, both companies and workers have been adversely impacted. Meanwhile, the marketing efforts have largely focused on the domestic markets throughout 2020-2021. In brief, Bali’s tourism and hospitality industry have had to adopt a survival mode, with a focus towards short-term demands and immediate implications. Meanwhile, a focus on long-term solutions that sees this pandemic as an opportunity for hard reset have been noticeably lacking.


Covid-19 pandemic, hospitality, tourism, financial management, human resource management, marketing management

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