Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Pengembangan Wisata Kreatif di Kampung Bekelir Kota Tangerang

Yustisia Kristiana, Theodosia Nathalia


Kampung Bekelir which is in Babakan, Tangerang City has become a tourist attraction by carrying out the theme of creative tourism. Creative tourism developed in Kampung Bekelir is able to enrich the traveling experience. Tourists are invited to foster creativity through participation in tourism activities as a learning program. The research objective was to identify the efforts made to empower the community in developing Kampung Bekelir as a creative tourist attraction, and to analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors for community participation. Interview and observation techniques were chosen as data collection techniques. The data analysis method is carried out in three stages, namely data reduction, data display and conclusions drawing and verification. The results showed that Kampung Bekelir developed 12 programs to build public awareness. There are supporting and inhibiting factors in community participation. The participation of the people of Kampung Bekelir in the implementation and in obtaining benefits is classified as dominant. Meanwhile, participation in decision making and evaluation still needs to be improved. Supporting factors are the strong leadership of the government apparatus and community organizations in Kampung Bekelir. While the inhibiting factors in community participation are lack of knowledge and skills in managing Kampung Bekelir as a tourist attraction, the mindset of the community is still relatively low, low educational background, lack of quality human resources and there are still people who are not ready to accept changes so that they reject development in Kampung Bekelir.


creative tourism; community participation; Kampung Bekelir.

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