Karakteristik Minuman Alkohol Tradisional Tuak Kelapa Karangasem Melalui Uji Organoleptik

Putu Mira Astuti Pranadewi


Tuak is one of the traditional drinks in Bali that is favored by the Balinese people. Tuak is an important drink in Bali because apart from being drinkable, it can also be used as a means of prayer. Tuak kepala or coconut palm wine is not as well-known as the traditional drink such as arak or brem. Coconut palm wine can be classified into fruit wine. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of Karangasem coconut palm wine with reference to 9 indicators, namely sweetness, acidity, tannin, body, flavor, aroma, color, length, and product description in general through organoleptic test (description test). The panelists involved in this study are those who have an expert background in the field of alcoholic beverages, especially wine. In this study, it can be concluded that the sweetness indicator of coconut palm wine is medium dry, the acidity indicator of coconut palm wine is acidic. The indicator of tannin was not found or low tannin, indicator of body characteristic of coconut palm wine was light to medium, the characteristic flavor of coconut palm wine was coconut, the characteristic aroma of coconut palm wine was coconut, tree fruit, vanilla, and yeast. The characteristic color of coconut palm wine is white milk and pale straw, the characteristic length of coconut wine is the short length. And in the product description in general, the assessment of coconut palm wine is good.


Traditional Alcohol Beverage, Coconut Palm Wine, Fruit Wine, Organoleptic Test

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