Creating a Better Concept in Local Restaurants’ Interior Design with Common Construction Materials

Sandy Dwiputra Yubianto


This study is performed to understand the proper creation of concepts in interior design for local restaurant. The need of this study is to help local restaurant strive within the fearcefull competition in Food and Beverage establishment. One of the important key for restaurants to survive is to be existed and innovate within the competition and in the environment as well as inside the digital world, where current young and active markets are hunting for more unique, newer food and beverages establishment. This study is performed to see if local restaurant could incorporate a low budget and common materials used in construction to be used in their interior to help create a good interior design. Literature review is used to see the examine the past usage of design concepts in restaurants. the qualitative methodology is used, and descriptive writing is utilized to describe things, settings, and  construction materials that could be used in the restaurants interior. Descriptive analysis method is used supported by the previous study and academic articles are gathered from the previous study to help supporting the findings. the study resulted in the use of natural concept on flooring, wall, furniture, and decoration is much more suitable for a restaurant with the local concepts. The elements such as stones, cements, natural color and exposed natural material is preferable in the use of low budget interior design on local concept.


Restaurant, Local, Interior Design, Design Concept, Material, Construction.

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