The Impact of Brand’s Name, Product Quality, and Product Price to Consumer’s Purchase Intention at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Summarecon Mall Serpong
This research was conducted to determine the relationship between brand's name, product quality and product price on consumer's purchase intention at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Summarecon Mall Serpong. Descriptive analysis and quantitative associative hypothesis testing were used in the research. To answer research questions, a one-shot (cross-sectional) time horizon is used. The unit of analysis used is the individual and real setting environment. The data used in this study were collected through an instrument in the form of an electronic questionnaire, namely Google Form, with a sample size of 257 respondents who are customers of The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. This study uses the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) analysis method. The results of this study indicate that brand name has a positive effect on consumer purchase intention, product quality has a positive effect on consumer purchase intention, and product price has a positive effect on consumer purchase intention.
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