
  • Jessica Prisella Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Intan Cidarbulan Matita Universitas Pelita Harapan



almond milk, anthocyanin, natural food coloring, non-dairy ice cream, purple sweet potato


Ice cream is generally made with cow’s milk which contains high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol. Plant ingredients such as almond nuts can be processed and used as a substitute for cow’s milk in ice cream formulation. In Indonesia, one of the local ingredients that can be easily found is purple sweet potato. The use of purple sweet potato in almond milk ice cream can be done to increase the functional value of the ice cream due to the anthocyanin content of purple sweet potato. In addition, the right type of stabilizer and amount of water need to be studied to obtain desirable texture of the almond milk ice cream. In this study, the almond milk ice cream was made with the addition of purple sweet potato puree was made using a purple sweet potato mash ratio and water 70:30, 80:20, 90:10, 100:0 with various types of stabilizer, namely carboxymethyl cellulose, carrageenan, and guar gum. The purple sweet potato contained 171.36±0.18 mg/100 g of anthocyanin. The selected almond milk ice cream is the one with the ratio of 90:10 using guar gum as stabilizer. The almond milk ice cream had total anthocyanins 34.08±0.30 mg/100 g, total solids 33.32±0.66%, overrun 20.35±1.89%, viscosity 3165.00±48.48 cP, and melting time 50.79±1.11 minute/10 g.

Bahasa Indonesia Abstract:

Es krim pada umumnya dibuat dengan bahan dasar susu sapi yang mengandung kadar lemak jenuh dan kolesterol yang tinggi. Bahan pangan nabati seperti kacang almond dapat diolah sebagai bahan pengganti susu sapi dalam pembuatan es krim. Di Indonesia, salah satu bahan pangan yang mudah didapat adalah ubi jalar ungu. Penggunaan ubi jalar ungu dalam formulasi es krim susu almond ini dapat menghasilkan es krim dengan nilai tambah karena kandungan antosianin dalam ubi jalar ungu. Selain itu, jenis bahan penstabil dan jumlah air yang tepat dapat membantu membentuk tekstur es krim susu almond. Es krim susu almond pada penelitian ini dibuat dengan penambahan pure ubi jalar ungu dan air dengan rasio 70:30, 80:20, 90:10, 100:0 dan variasi jenis bahan penstabil yaitu CMC, carrageenan, dan guar gum. Pada penelitian ini, mash ubi jalar ungu yang digunakan memiliki total antosianin sebesar 171,36±0,18 mg/100 g. Es krim susu almond terpilih adalah es krim dengan penambahan mash ubi jalar ungu dan air dengan rasio 90:10 dan bahan penstabil guar gum. Es krim susu almond terpilih memiliki total antosianin 34,08±0,30 mg/100 g, total padatan 33,32±0,66%, overrun 20,35±1,89%, viskositas 3165,00±48,48 cP, dan waktu leleh 50,79±1,11 menit/10 g.


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