DOI: Kunci:
ice cream, purple sweet potato, soy, stabilizerAbstrak
Ice cream is one of the food products widely consumed by the public. Generally, ice cream is made from cow's milk, which has a high fat content and cannot be consumed by individuals with lactose intolerance. Therefore, ice cream made from soy milk and purple sweet potato puree has been developed as a healthier alternative to enhance food product diversification. Soy milk ice cream is made by adding purple sweet potato puree with different ratios of purple sweet potato and water (100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30) as well as different types of stabilizers (CMC, carrageenan, guar gum). The ice cream was analyzed for overrun, melting time, anthocyanin content, and organoleptic properties (hedonic). The results of this study concluded that the addition of purple sweet potato puree decreased overrun while increasing anthocyanin content, the panelists' preference for color, and overall acceptance of the ice cream. The use of different types of stabilizers resulted in differences in melting time, anthocyanin content, and organoleptic characteristics of the ice cream, which include preferences for taste, color, and texture among the panelists.
Bahasa Indonesia Abstract:
Es krim merupakan salah satu produk pangan yang banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Pada umumnya, es krim dibuat dari susu sapi yang memiliki kadar lemak tinggi dan tidak dapat dikonsumsi oleh penderita intoleransi laktosa. Oleh karena itu, dikembangkan es krim yang terbuat dari susu kedelai dan pure ubi jalar ungu sebagai alternatif yang lebih menyehatkan dan meningkatkan diversifikasi produk pangan. Es krim susu kedelai dibuat dengan penambahan pure ubi jalar ungu dengan rasio mash ubi jalar ungu dan air (100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30) serta jenis bahan penstabil (CMC, karagenan, guar gum) yang berbeda. Es krim dianalisis overrun, waktu leleh, kadar antosianin, dan organoleptik (hedonik). Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penambahan pure ubi jalar ungu menurunkan overrun serta meningkatkan kadar antosianin, tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap warna, dan penerimaan keseluruhan es krim. Penggunaan jenis bahan penstabil yang berbeda menyebabkan perbedaan waktu leleh, kadar antosianin, serta karakteristik organoleptik es krim yang meliputi tingkat kesukaan rasa, tingkat kesukaan warna, dan tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap tekstur.
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