Transformasi Digital Merek-Merek Indonesia Dalam Bentuk Penempatan Produk Pada Web Series Di Situs Web Youtube [Digital Transformation of Indonesian Brands in the Form of Product Placement on Web Series on the Youtube Website]


  • Cokki Cokki Universitas Tarumanagara
  • Lydiawati Soelaiman Universitas Tarumanagara
  • Ida Puspitowati Universitas Tarumanagara



Product placement, Attitude, Web series


This study aims to determine the characteristics of Indonesian brand product placement, viewers’ attitude, and the form of viewers’ attitude towards web series on Youtube website. Data were taken from 16 brands covering 94 episodes in 21 web series. Data were analyzed by frequency distribution and content analysis. The results showed that the characteristics of Indonesian brand product placement were very diverse, viewers attitude were positive, and the form of viewers attitude were stronger in attitude toward film, attitude toward actors, and attitude toward character compared to attitude toward product placement and attitude toward brand.

Bahasa Indonesia Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik penempatan produk merek Indonesia, sikap penonton, dan bentuk sikap penonton terhadap web series di situs web Youtube. Data diambil dari 16 merek yang mencakup 94 episode dalam 21 web series. Data dianalisis dengan distribusi frekuensi dan analisis konten. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik penempatan produk merek Indonesia sangat beragam, sikap penonton positif, dan bentuk sikap penonton lebih kuat pada sikap terhadap film, sikap terhadap aktor, dan sikap terhadap karakter dibandingkan dengan sikap terhadap penempatan produk dan sikap terhadap merek.


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