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Issue Title
Vol 1, No 1 (2019): September Hubungan Self-Esteem terhadap Level Kecemasan pada Mahasiswa Pogram Studi Pendidikan Agama Kristen [The Relationship of Self-Esteem to Anxiety Level in Christian Religious Studies Students] Abstract   PDF
Suparman Suparman
Vol 3, No 3 (2021): September Iman Kristen di Tengah Tantangan Pluralisme Agama [Christian Faith Amidst the Challenge of Religious Pluralism] Abstract   PDF
Daniel Winardi
Vol 5, No 2 (2023): May Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif untuk Meningkatkan Keaktifan Siswa Kelas IX dalam Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Kristen [The Implementation of the Cooperative Learning Model to Increase Students' Activeness in a Grade 9 Biblical Studies Class] Abstract   PDF
Chindy Mutiara Br Hombing, Yanti Yanti
Vol 5, No 3 (2023): September Implications of a Biblical Christian Worldview: A Case Study of Sociology, Language, Art, and Pedagogy Lecturers’ Teaching Practices [Implikasi dari Pandangan Dunia Kristen yang Alkitabiah: Studi Kasus Praktik Pengajaran Dosen Sosiologi, Bahasa, Seni, dan Pedagogi] Abstract   PDF
Meri Fuji Siahaan
Vol 6, No 1 (2024): January Implikasi Praktis Konsep Teologis Munus Triplex bagi Pendidik Kristen [Practical Implications of the Munus Triplex Theological Concept for Christian Educators] Abstract   PDF
Arthur Chandra
Vol 4, No 1 (2022): January Kajian Aksiologi Terhadap Fungsi Profesionalitas Guru Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Daring [An Axiology Review on the Function of Teachers' Professionality in Building the Students' Character During Online Learning] Abstract   PDF
Mikael Faradaey, Tanti Listiani
Vol 4, No 1 (2022): January Kajian Antropologi Kristen Mengenai Peran Guru Menerapkan Strategi Pembelajaran Variatif untuk Mengembangkan Kemampuan Afektif Siswa [A Christian Anthropology Review on The Role of Teachers in Implementing the Variative Learning Strategy to Develop Students' Affective Ability] Abstract   PDF
Maria Kezia Gaghunting, Jessica Bermuli
Vol 5, No 3 (2023): September Kajian Natur Siswa sebagai Gambar dan Rupa Allah dalam Pendidikan Kristen yang Holistik [The Study of Students' Nature as the Image and Likeness of God in Holistic Christian Education] Abstract   PDF
Chindy Mutiara Br Hombing, Yanti Yanti
Vol 3, No 2 (2021): May Kajian Sistematik Teologi Mengenai Personalitas Iblis: Periode Media-Persia Sampai Kepada Injil [Systematic Theology Review on the Personhood of the Devil: Media-Persia Period up to the Gospel] Abstract   PDF
Christar Arstilo Rumbay, Roger Parengkuan
Vol 3, No 3 (2021): September Kasih Kristus Sebagai Landasan Pengajaran Guru Kristen dalam Pendisiplinan Siswa [The Love of Christ as the Teaching Foundation for Christian Teachers in Disciplining Students] Abstract   PDF
Trinanda Adelvia Samben, Grace Purnamasari Christian
Vol 5, No 1 (2023): January Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman Siswa Sekolah Dasar [Reading Comprehension Skills of Elementary School Students] Abstract   PDF
Sarah Adelheit Frans, Yubali Ani, Yesaya Adhi Wijaya
Vol 2, No 2 (2020): May Kepemimpinan yang Melayani di Sekolah Kristen dalam Pengelolaan Organisasi, Pengelolaan Stres, dan Integritas [Servant Leadership in Christian Schools Through the Organization Management, Stress Management, and Integrity] Abstract   PDF
Rieswan Pangawira Kurnia
Vol 6, No 1 (2024): January Kepemimpinan yang Melayani Menurut Teladan Kristus [Servant Leadership According to Christ's Example] Abstract   PDF
Neneng Andriani
Vol 4, No 3 (2022): September Kesetiaan dalam Pernikahan sebagai Karakteristik Seorang Pemimpin Kristen [Fidelity in Marriage as a Characteristic of a Christian Leader] Abstract   PDF
Novel Priyatna
Vol 6, No 2 (2024): May Kompetensi Guru Kristen sebagai Fasilitator dalam Mengembangkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa di Era Digital [The Competence of Christian Teachers as Facilitators in Developing Students' Critical Thinking Skills in the Digital Age] Abstract   PDF
Febri Dian Santoso, Yohanes Edi Gunanto
Vol 5, No 3 (2023): September Komunitas Belajar yang Membawa Pertumbuhan Spiritualitas Siswa dalam Meresponi Panggilan Tuhan sebagai Garam dan Terang [A Learning Community that Brings Spiritual Growth to Students in Responding to God's Call to be Salt and Light] Abstract   PDF
Theresia Emmanuella, Imanuel Adhitya Wulanata Chrismastianto
Vol 5, No 3 (2023): September Konsep Paradoks: Kedaulatan Allah dan Kebebasan Manusia Menurut Perspektif Teologi Reformed [A Paradoxical Concept: God's Sovereignty and Human Freedom According to a Reformed Theological Perspective] Abstract   PDF
Sri Susianti Zega
Vol 5, No 2 (2023): May Kristologi menurut Injil Yohanes [Christology According to the Gospel of John] Abstract   PDF
Ksatria Londong Patiung
Vol 1, No 1 (2019): September McGrath, Alister E. Sejarah Pemikiran Reformasi Abstract   PDF
Risart Y. Y. Warokka
Vol 4, No 2 (2022): May Memahami Makna Tujuan Utama Manusia: Sebuah Refleksi Katekismus Singkat Westminster [Understanding the Meaning of The Chief End of Man: A Reflection of the Westminster Shorter Catechism] Abstract   PDF
Musa Sinar Tarigan
Vol 3, No 2 (2021): May Membangun Disiplin Rohani Siswa pada Generasi Z Melalui Jurnal Membaca Alkitab [Building Students' Spiritual Discipline of Generation Z through Bible Reading Journalling] Abstract   PDF
Vrijilio Aditia Apaut, Suparman Suparman
Vol 2, No 3 (2020): September Mengoptimalkan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Selama dan Sesudah Pandemi Covid-19 [Optimizing the Values of Pancasila During dan After the Covid-19 Pandemic] Abstract   PDF
Kristina Untari Setiawan
Vol 4, No 1 (2022): January Minat Gereja dalam Membangun Komunitas Remaja Pemuda Melalui Pemuridan [The Church's Interest in Building the Community of Youth and Young Adult Through Discipleship] Abstract   PDF
Yatmini Yatmini, Rio Pardede
Vol 6, No 2 (2024): May Oikumenitas dan Solidaritas Ciptaan Allah menurut Dokumen Teologi Gereja HKBP [Ecumenism and Solidarity of God’s Creation According to the HKBP Church Theological Document] Abstract   PDF
Daniel Rizki Purba, Efran Mangatas Sianipar, Ricky Pramono Hasibuan, Mikael Harianja
Vol 2, No 2 (2020): May Panggabean, Dedy. Mengapa Aku Mengajar: Memandang Kepada Kristus Sang Guru Agung Abstract   PDF
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