
  • Meka Suriyangi Br Brahmana Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Candra Yulius Tahya Universitas Pelita Harapan


Negative Behavior, Positive Discipline, Self Control


Discipline is an action to anticipate and minimize negative student behavior and encourage students to behave positively in accordance with applicable rules. In addition, discipline aims to improve self-control of students so that they have the awareness to behave positively independently without being forced. Based on the results of observations and student reflection questionnaires, the discipline applied by the teacher involving punishment is less able to minimize negative student behavior so that students continue to commit violations. Therefore, positive disciplinary action is given as an effort to finalize students' negative behavior. The purpose of writing this paper is to find out how disciplinary action should be taken by the teacher and the impact of applying positive discipline in learning. The results of this journal study are, positive discipline emphasizes student awareness in understanding each negative impact of violations so that students can improve their behavior and seek discipline through discipline and the consequences applied in learning. In conclusion, teachers must apply positive discipline in learning because it brings students in moral correction. As a result, students' self- control increases so students can behave positively without being forced. Teachers must apply positive discipline consistently in learning and apply positive discipline in school rules.


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