Yabadi Waruwu, Friska Juliana Purba


Chemistry is a branch of science that studies composition, the structure, nature, transformation, and dynamics of material energy that are closely related to nature. Nature and its contents are God's creations revealed to humans to know him more. Chemistry is one of the media for humans to express God's power over the universe. Learning chemistry emphasizes three components which are scientific products, processes, and attitudes. Scientific attitude is one of the most important aspects of study chemistry. Scientific attitude leads to individual tendency to act and influence learning outcomes. Learning chemistry so far only emphasizes on mastering the concept of knowledge alone and ignoring the scientific attitude of students. teachers do not involve students actively in learning activities so that scientific skills and attitudes are not in touch. The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of inquiry learning models to improve students' scientific attitudes on learning Chemistry. The solution to the problem in this paper uses the study literature method. From the studies conducted it was found that the inquiry learning model can improve students' scientific attitudes in learning chemistry. Inquiry learning model involves students actively in the process of inquiry for problem-solving through scientific stages. Teachers must be active as a facilitator and guide students to carry out learning activities.


inquiry learning model ; chemistry ; scientific attitude

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