Hubungan Metode Diskusi Kelompok dengan Minat Belajar Kimia Siswa Kelas X;The Relationship between Group Discussion Methods and Students' Interest in Learning Chemistry in Class X


  • Jumila Tonapa Universitas Pelita Harapan Ilmu Pendidikan Kimia
  • Candra Yulius Tahya Universitas Pelita Harapan Ilmu Pendidikan Kimia


Group Discussion Method, Interest in Learning, Nature of Chemistry


Introduction to the characteristics of students before carrying out learning is important because it can assist teachers in choosing and determining the learning method to be used. The facts found in the field are that when studying chemistry students tend to be passive and only join friends from the same school. This can be overcome by using the learning method, namely the method of group discussion. In addition, during the discussion process the teacher will act as a facilitator and also a guide who will provide a learning environment and also learning materials and will guide each student to become more similar and in the image of God through the Word of God. The purpose of writing this paper is to find out the effect of group discussion on students' learning interest and how to use the group discussion method in chemistry learning. The results obtained are the use of group discussion methods in chemistry learning can make students participate actively and can also communicate with one another and can make students have an interest in participating in chemistry learning. Suggestions from the author, the application of the group discussion method must be several times so that students are more active in discussing and participating in learning.


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