Penegakan Perlindungan Hak Cipta Bagi Karya Buatan Artificial Intelligence Menggunakan Doktrin Work Made For Hire


  • Irsyad Maulana Achmadi
  • Aisha Tsabita Kamila
  • Feymi Angelina


Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) merupakan salah satu bentuk inovasi di bidang teknologi. Saat ini, perkembangan AI sudah sampai ke dalam tahap pembuatan karya cipta yang bahkan dapat bersaing dengan manusia. Meskipun begitu, sampai saat ini, Indonesia belum mengatur perihal hak cipta karya buatan AI. Hal ini menimbulkan kekosongan hukum yang dapat mengakibatkan menurunnya laju pembangunan ekonomi kreatif Indonesia melalui perkembangan teknologi dan investasi di bidang AI. Oleh karena itu, melalui metode penelitian yang bersifat normatif berdasarkan studi literatur, karya tulis ilmiah ini berpendapat bahwa doktrin work made for hire merupakan jawaban atas permasalahan kekosongan hukum di Indonesia. Tim penulis menggagas doktrin work made for hire sebagai upaya memberikan insentif kepada penyelenggara sistem AI. Dengan upaya tersebut, diharapkan dapat mendukung upaya mewujudkan visi perkembangan Indonesia 2045. Artificial Intelligence is one form of innovation on technology field. Currently, the development of AI has reached the stage of creating copyrighted works that can even compete with human work. Even so, until now, Indonesia has not regulated the copyright of works made by AI. This creates a legal vacuum situation that can result in a decline in the rate of development of Indonesia's creative economy through technological developments and investment in AI field. Therefore, through normative research methods based on literature studies, this scientific paper argues that the work made for hire doctrine is the answer to the problem of the legal vacuum in Indonesia. The writing team initiated the work made for hire doctrine as an effort to provide incentives to AI system administrators. With this efforts, it is expected to support the realization of Sustainable Economic Development: Road to Indonesia 2045 Development Agenda.



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