Revolution in Intellectual Property Rights: Artificial Intelligence as the Inventor of a Patent

William Chindrawa, Grisella Avelyn, Kayla Latisya Faza


The inevitability of the Exponential Development of Man-Made Technology is virtually apparent. Upon entry into Society 5.0 as initiated by the Japanese Government and now the Indonesian Government, the Sophistication of Artificial Intelligence in obtaining rights equivalent to that of humans should not be taken too lightly. Over the past 20 years, all of the Fruits that Artificial Intelligence had yielded result in nothing as the Provisions under the umbrella of Intellectual Property Law do not acknowledge the Inventions that were founded by a non-human Inventor. The reason behind this is because the Patent Law offers an exhaustive list of definitions for the subject of Patent, resulting in the incapacity of Artificial Intelligences in boarding the boat of Patent Right Law on which they can be legally recognized as Inventors or even Owners of the Patent. Cognizant of the dynamic nature of Law, it is reasonable to believe that Law will adapt to the prevailing circumstances and social phenomenon. That is to say, Indonesia’s Patent Law will adapt to the new challenges presented before it, one of which is the right of Artificial Intelligence in generating Inventions that are Novel, Non-obvious, and Useful and to be recognized as its Inventor.

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