Fighting Fake Fashion: Legal Protection Of Brand Owners Towards Counterfeit Branded Fashion Goods In The Lens Of Intellectual Property Law
The development of intellectual property rights is influenced by information and transportation technology development. Since intellectual property rights cover trademarks, the production of goods has been affected as well, especially luxury goods. This is evident in the increase of the production of counterfeit goods, due to an increase in demand for counterfeit goods. Apart from causing losses to both the producers and the consumers, the increase in the production of counterfeit goods has also caused an economic loss to the country. In response to this, the Government of Indonesia has made efforts in hopes of discontinuing the illegal conduct, preventing those activities from existing in the future, and providing legal protection as well as legal certainty for both the producers and the consumers, by enacting laws and regulations in relation to trademark, such as Law No. 20 of 2016 on Trademarks. This paper is aimed to observe the importance of the enactment of the Trademark Law pertinent to the production of counterfeit goods and the factors that hinder the implementation of Intellectual Property Rights.
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