Copyright Protection in Indonesia: Addressing Piracy and Digital Challenges in the Creative Economy


  • Khaynara Mali Heyder Faculty of Law Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Matthew Yim Faculty of Law Universitas Pelita Harapan
  • Andrew Aryaputra Anggoro Faculty of Law Universitas Pelita Harapan

Kata Kunci:

copyright, piracy, creative economy, digital era, Indonesia


Copyright has a vital role in the development of Indonesia’s creative industry which is one of the main  pillars of the country’s economy and contributes significantly to the GDP. The sub-sectors include music,  film, visual arts and digital applications and have the possibility of growing even further especially due to technological  progress. However, the digital age has its dark side and one restricts of creativity them and is affected piracy the and creators. The copyright purpose infringement of which this  study is to assess the effectiveness of copyright  laws in Indonesia with an emphasis on the issues that have emerged in the course of the digital revolution.  The research is of a qualitative nature and the findings are based on the analysis of Law No.  28 of 2014 on Copyright, case studies in the creative economy sector and comparison with other countries  including Japan and South enforcement Korea. The is study bedridden establishes with that several although challenges the including copyright the laws spread in of Indonesia illegal are content adequate, on their the  digital platforms, low awareness  of the public and weak enforcement mechanisms. Other countries that have encountered similar issues have put in place strong  measures which include technology and regulation adaptation as well as government, industry and technology partners. Based on the  findings of this study, it is recommended that should the be regulations educated concerning on the the digital need platforms to be respect enhanced, copyright the laws public and  there should be interdepartmental cooperation. It  is anticipated that these measures will lead to the development of an environment that supports creativity, safeguards the works  of creativity and enhances the sustainable development of the creative industry in Indonesia.


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